خانه » فروشگاه » Dynacord VL 152
اسپیکر | باند پسیو JBL PRX415M
JBL PRX415M برای قیمت تماس بگیرید
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اسپیکر | باند پسیو FBT J 5T W
FBT J 5T W برای قیمت تماس بگیرید

Dynacord VL 152

تماس برای خرید


  • Multi-functionality is a must in order to be able to react on-site to varying customer demands.
  • With a variety of mounting accessories and decent cosmetics the VL152 is ideally suited to be used in most demanding applications.
  • The VL152 is manufactured from birch plywood and therefore extremely resistant against abuse on the road.
  • The surface is painted with a black 2-component paint that can easily be renovated if sometimes necessary.
  • For the low frequencies and mid frequencies the light-weight DYNACORD DND15400 Neodymium transducer is used.
  • High frequencies are radiated from a rotatable 90°*45° constant directivity horn equipped with an Electro-Voice ND6 1.4” driver.
  • The VL152 can be used in passive fullrange mode and can be switched from the outside to ‘biamped’ operation.
  • Linear-Phase FIR factory presets for the IRIS-Net RCM-26 module and factory presets for regular digital speaker controllers, e.g.
مشخصات توضیحات
سایز ووفر DND 15400
سایز تویتر ND6-8
توان خروجی RMS 500 وات
نهایت توان خروجی 2000 وات
2x NL 4MPR
رنج پاسخ فرکانسی 50Hz – 20Hz
8 Ω
حداکثر SPL
133 dB
جنس بدنه Birch Plywood
طول 441 میلیمتر
عرض 780 میلیمتر
ارتفاع 407 میلیمتر
وزن 26 کیلوگرم

DYNACORD | دایناکورد


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