ReLoop RHP-20

۹,۷۰۰,۰۰۰ تومان

بروزرسانی قیمت : 3 ماه پیش

ReLoop RHP-20 هدفون دی جی


  • Professional DJ headphones, closed rotary and retractable construction
  • Convenient rotating ear cup for easy on-shoulder/single-ear monitoring
  • Powerful sound and clear frequency separation, optimized for DJs
  • Comfortable Memory-Foam ear cup padding with fine protein-leather surface
  • Large ear cup cavity surrounds ear for comfortable wear
  • Accented with rubber-paint finish
  • Ultra durable head band crafted with high quality hard rubber
  • Solid rotatable and foldable mechanism made of sturdy aluminum
  • Flat comfort construction with compact and lightweight ear cup chassis
  • One-sided cable duct with removable mini XLR plug for easy cord swap
  • Extremely high output rating
  • Extremely solid construction for DJs’ continuous operation
  • Innovative and stylish deluxe headphones
ReLoop RHP-20 هدفون دی جی
مشخصات توضیحات
امپدانس 25Ω
حداکثر قدرت ورودی 3000 میلی وات
حساسیت 110dB
رنج پاسخ فرکانسی 30 Hz – 30 kHz
وزن 0,270 کیلوگرم

ReLoop | ریلوپ


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