خانه » فروشگاه » ZOOM G6
رکوردر صدا ZOOM H6 Black
ZOOM H6 Black ۱۵,۲۰۰,۰۰۰ تومان
بازگشت به محصولات
کارت صدا و رکوردر ZOOM R8
ZOOM R8 برای قیمت تماس بگیرید


۲۱,۲۴۰,۰۰۰ تومان

آخرین بروزرسانی قیمت : 5 ماه پیش


  • 6 custom-crafted amp models put exciting, ear-tickling sonic textures right under your feet
  • Jam-packed with 30 years of Zoom effects: drives, modulation, delays, reverbs, and more
  • Chain up to 9 effects along with an amplifier emulation
  • 70 preloaded cabinet impulse responses with various microphones and mic positions
  • 50 user IR slots accommodate your third-party impulse responses
  • 4.3-inch color touchscreen enables you to drag, drop, and swipe your way to new sounds
  • 6 stompbox footswitches supply you with familiar pedal-style effects switching
  • Expression/volume pedal offers real-time manipulation of effect parameters
  • 45-second looper (expandable via optional SD card) for adding layers to your solo performances
  • 68 built-in rhythm patterns run the full gamut of genres and time signatures
  • Rear effects loops for integrating your stompboxes, amp, and external effects
  • Integrated 2-in/2-out USB 2.0 audio interface for direct-to-computer recording
  • Remote iOS connection for using Guitar Lab via Bluetooth adapter (sold separately)
  • Download additional effects with Zoom Guitar Lab
مشخصات توضیحات
نوع پدال Multi-FX
تعداد افکت 9 simultaneous effects / 7 effects with amp emulation
تعداد صدا های قابل ذخیره
تعداد افکت های قابل استفاده در یک بانک صدا
خروجی آنالوگ
2 x 1/4″ (R, L/mono/phones)
ورودی آنالوگ
1 x 1/4″ (instrument), 1 x 1/8″ (aux in)
Sampling Frequency 44.1 kHz
A/D Conversion 24-bit 128x oversampling
D/A Conversion
24-bit 128x oversampling
Frequency Response
20 Hz – 20kHz
Signal processing
Display دارد
Noise Floor
1 x Micro-B
S/N (input conversion noise)
Amp Modeling
طول 418 میلی متر
عرض 228 میلی متر
ارتفاع 65 میلی متر
وزن دستگاه 1.9 کیلوگرم

ZOOM | زوم


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